Sunday, January 27, 2008

Product Review: Catastrophe Cosmetic

'Catastrophe Cosmetic' bills itself as a facemask that is more prevention than cure, and it is certainly not false advertising. It is the best thing that has happened to my skin, ever.
Blueberries are not the first thing you think of when it comes to skincare, but they must have something going for them, because this facemask is sheer brilliance. Facemasks are something I have approached with scepticism in the past, but after the experience at E.'s (that facemask was not this one) I am a convert. I thought the facemask I did there was good, but this one is something else.
I bought this one because it was supposed to be soothing - coming off a long theatre makeup bender, I figured I needed it! I mean... 'Catastrophe Cosmetic' - clearly it was screaming my name! I didn't think facemasks were often blue, but hey, I was open. And I am glad I was, because this stuff is amazing.
Facemasks feel funny, if you've never used them before. You slap 'em on thick and then it dries and every time you move your face you can feel it cracking. But I swear, with this one, you can actually feel it doing you good. You can feel it soaking into your skin, feel it drawing the badness out... it's cold (not just because you have to refrigerate it) and it's soothing. And then when you take it off - you have to be careful not to get any in your hair, otherwise you look like you dipped it in concrete! - your skin feels so amazing!
I didn't know my skin could feel this way. I use this mask maybe twice a week now, and the difference is very, very obvious!
And, as an added advantage, your skin smells like blueberries.
This product is great for one-off use - after a particularly bad makeup night, perhaps - but the effects are cumulative, and prolonged use will give you excellent rewards!

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